
About Krugersdorp bowling club


Dress Code

As recognized by Bowls South Africa LAWS OF THE SPORT OF BOWLS SOUTH AFRICAN EDITION Third Edition These Laws take effect in South Africa from 1 October 2014 Men and Ladies

1. Head wear Appendix A.3 Headwear, if worn, may have approved insignia or hatbands.

2. Footwear Appendix A.2.2 Players, Umpires and Markers shall wear conventional shoes or sports shoes which have a continuous smooth sole or a sole with a channel rise in the middle of the sole, as long as the sole is clearly in one piece and the heel area does not sit at a different height to the front of the shoe. To assist in traction the sole can have indented grooves up to 2 mm (thickness of matchstick), but no protuberances. The width of the rear part of the shoe shall be at least 50% of the widest part of the sole. Conventional sandals are acceptable providing they have a back strap. The National Authority reserves the right to allow or disallow the use of specific colours and brands of footwear. (Circular 40/2010)

3. Representative Matches Appendix A.3 In all representatives matches (all matches other than social games and club competitions) players shall wear either white or cream or official colours registered by the club, district or Member National Authority for clothing as specified hereunder. Controlling Bodies may authorize variations in these clothing specifications from time to time. Furthermore, the Controlling Body shall also have the right, even retrospectively, to declare any variation in dress unacceptable after which such variation in dress shall not be worn. All players participating in a team event are required to be uniformly dressed.

Krugersdorp Bowling Club Rule Official colours are club or white shirts and white, cream, navy or black (ladies only) pants. Men

1. Shirts Appendix A.3 Shirts shall have conventional collars and be adequately buttoned.

Krugersdorp Bowling Club Rule Club or white shirts of the golf shirt type, with conventional collar and sleeves. No shirt without a collar or sleeves may be worn.

2. Trousers Appendix A.3 Full length trousers or tailored shorts, (knee length) with pockets may be worn or shorts approved by Bowls SA. (Under no circumstances shall Cargo, Combat, Denim trousers or Rugby shorts be permitted). String tied trousers (cricket trousers), tracksuit trousers or tracksuit shorts, without a front zip, approved by a club, district or member authority are also acceptable.

Krugersdorp Bowling Club Rule White, navy or cream long tailored trousers, tailored shorts, BRT quad shorts or BRT long track pants. Rugby, soccer or running shorts are not acceptable. If a belt is required to be worn, it shall be white.

3. Socks Appendix A.3 Ankle socks, secret socks or golf hose must be worn with shorts. Ladies

1. Dress or slacks Appendix A.3 A bowling dress with collar, a skirt or tailored slacks of any length together with a blouse with a collar, is permissible provided they are not manufactured from Lycra or any other body clinging material.

Bowls South Africa has approved the 'Skort' as acceptable apparel for female bowlers. This approval is subject to the 'Skort' being a branded garment. The homemade and tennis 'Skort' remains unacceptable.

Krugersdorp Bowling Club Rule

A bowling dress with collar or skirt, divided skirt, walking shorts, tailored slacks of any length, BRT quad shorts or BRT long track pants in white, navy, cream or black.

2. Blouse or Shirts A club shirt, white blouse or white shirt of the golf type with conventional collar and sleeves may be worn. No blouse or shirt may be worn without a collar.


Playing Fees and Subs


The list below are our playing fees per player for 2022 to 2023 and are subject to change

Social Bowls - member R15.00

Social Bowls – non-member (visitor) R20.00

League games R20.00

Sables competition entry R50.00

Gauteng Open Competition (subject to change) R150.00

S A Nationals Competition (subject to change) R130.00

S A National singles (subject to change R130.00

Krugersdorp Bowling Club Subscription fees

Subs for Under 19 years of age

Subs for ages 19 to 25 years of age (students)

Subs for ages 26 to 59 (Normal Subs)

Subs for ages 60 to 79

Subs for ages over 80

Life Members

Rebate for married members (both being members of the club)

BSA Affiliation fees (every bowler must pay this)

Sables affiliation fees (district) under 20 years of age

Sables affiliation fees (district) ages 20 to 59

Sables affiliation fees (district) ages 60 to 79

Sables affiliation fees (district) over 80 years of age


Social Grading's and Handicaps


2021-2022 (Revised October '21)


League Conditions of Play - Click Here Krugersdorp Bowling Club participates in the Sables (District) league and has teams in each of the Divisions, starting from the premier league down to the fifth division. We have teams in both the men’s and ladies sections with over 75 players competing in the super sevens as well as the super fours formats We are the current champions (2022) of the men’s super-sevens premier division, as well as the men’s division 2 league.