Krugersdorp Bowling Club is steeped in History & tradition, and has been around for over 100 years, below is a quick simple list of some interesting facts related to Krugersdorp BC
• 1913 - £250.00 was paid to lay the first bowling green in Krugersdorp.
• 1914 – The town Engineer was instructed to start levelling the ground.
• 1915 – Mr. Sharp (curator of parks board) reported that the green was ready to be handed over to the club, a wood shelter and an iron hut was also erected at a cost of £50.
• 1916 – A draft constitution was submitted and adopted with annual fees of £2.20, per year. Monthly players and visitors would be able to use the greens for £0.76 per month. Ladies would also be able to play for a fee of £0.16, but not on Wednesdays; Saturday afternoons and Sundays.
• 1916 – The Honorary presidents were Sir Abe Bailey & Mr. J.B. Robinson and the first elected President was Mr. J. Richardson.
• 1916 – The first league game was played in Pretoria against a team from Brakpan.
• 1917 – The club was officially opened by Sir Abe Bailey, and so Krugersdorp Bowling Club was BORN.
• 1917 – G.W. Dixon and T. Lightbody won the Transvaal District Pairs.
• 1922 – A. Know; J. Clark; D. McGregor and D. Cameron won the Transvaal District fours.
• 1926 - Mr. “Pinky” Danilowitz became the South African as well as the Commonwealth Games Singles Champion. He played 82 consecutive games without losing.
• 1945 – The 2nd green was opened by the then Mayor, Mrs. A. Edwards, and was duly named the Harry Sharp Green.
• 1951 – Mr Sharp was duly elected a Honorary life member, he had been a member since 1915.
• 1953 – Krugersdorp hosted the “Australian bowlers”.
• 1969 – The local press reported that a “freak” wind lifted 2 Krugersdorp bowlers off their feet and dumped them 10 feet away.
• 1970 – Bar prices increase to 20c; beer shandy to 26c and Brandy; Gin & Cane to 16c.
• 1975 – We celebrated our 60th anniversary with a cocktail party at the clubhouse.
• 1977 – The birth of the “gold rush” day was founded, with 2 other fund raisers, being the “Ladies Day” & the “Nedbank Day” also done for the first time that year.
• 1980 – The year a decision was made by the council to move the club to its present location.
• 1984 – On 4th August the official closing of the “old” club in Krugersdorp Town was done and on the 20th October the “new” clubhouse; ground and greens were officially opened by the Mayor of Krugersdorp.
• 2001 – This was the year that the club made a decision to unify the men’s and ladies sections, and the first President under the new format was Mr. Bill Shead.
• 2005 – Mr. Rusty Whittaker, after writing the clubs newsletter for 13 years, decided enough was enough, and stopped the newsletter early in the next year.
• 2005 – Our clubs museum was completed by Jan Hoenselaar.
• 2006 – 23 litres of “old brown” sherry was consumed when the LADIES held the District bowls between the 19th & 23rd May.
• 2007 – Krugersdorp had 159 members of which 92% were over the age of 60. Of that 92%, 12% were even over the age of 80.
• 2020 – Covid struck South Africa, but we are happy to say, that through all the turmoil the bowling club, with the help of its members survived the lock down period.
• 2022 – we were happy to announce the our prestigious annual “Gold Rush” tournament was re-started and had a full field of 144 players.
We, the current committee as well as the “new” members of Krugersdorp Bowling Club hope that we can uphold the enormous tradition that our club has seen, in the next 100 years.